Picking Up Your Car

Tips When Picking Up Your Car:

  • Do a thorough inspection with the shop’s staff.
  • Ask any post-repair questions you have. Now is the time.
  • Check to see if it’s clean.
  • Look at the paint job. Is there any over-spray on parts that shouldn’t have paint on them?
  • Are the gaps between panels even?
  • Do the power window switches work?
  • Driving away, do you hear any wind sounds or other noises?


When picking up your car after a repair, it’s a good idea to take a close look at it and make sure you’re happy with everything before driving away. One of the best signs is if you can barely tell it was ever in a collision. Another good sign is if the vehicle is clean. This is another reason, besides clearing the work-space and just being good manners, that you should clean the interior of your vehicle before dropping it off to be repaired. 

The shop should go over the details of the repair with you. Make sure you ask any questions you have about the repairs and the process. They’re professionals and this is their passion, there are no stupid questions, nor are there better people to ask any questions you have about the repair of your vehicle.

You should look at the quality of the paint, and see if there was any over-spray on the trim or windows. You should look at the gaps between panels on either side of the vehicle to make sure they are the same. If your curtain airbag deployed you should check the upper trims to see if they look tight and new. Make sure the power window switches all work the way they should. Open and close the doors on all sides, they should look and feel the same. Listen for any wind sounds when driving home, and don’t be afraid to take it back to ask about any small adjustments you notice that need to be made.

Sometimes problems with the repair may not show up until much later. As with all things, a good attitude, even under frustrating circumstances, can get you a long way. It can be frustrating when you discover an ordeal still isn’t over when you thought it was, but remember: a good repair facility wants to do outstanding work just as much as you want your vehicle back and in good shape.

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