Speeding Specs: 70 percent of Canadians admit to speeding in residential areas, says new CAA study

Toronto, Ontario — A new report from the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) has found that nearly 70 percent of Canadians have admitted to speeding in a residential area at least once in the last year. The research, which is specifically a part of CAA’s yearly survey of Canadian driving habits and which polled 2,880 citizens […]
A Lucky Lesson Learned

One day last winter when I was driving home from work, I got a call on my cellphone. Without hesitation, I went to pick up my phone as I always did, thinking nothing of it. I thought that if I quickly put the call on speaker phone I wouldn’t be distracted, but I was wrong. […]
Driver Defeat

A few weeks ago when driving up to my cottage, I was rear-ended by a distracted driver. Thankfully no one was hurt, but the entire experience was still very overwhelming. I always thought I would be fine in the case of a collision but I found myself unprepared and uneducated on how to handle it. […]