Blind Spot Blunder

I had just gotten a brand new car that had a built in blind spot detection system. I loved this feature of the car because it made me feel even safer when driving, but eventually it turned me into a lazy driver. I got so used to relying on the blind spot detection system that […]
Items To Keep In Your Car Emergency Kit

You can never be too prepared in the case of a vehicle collision. When it comes to driving, you should always expect the unexpected, and prepare in advance to handle any emergency situation that you may encounter. There are several emergency items you may not have thought of that would be very useful during a […]
What To Do If Your Car Catches Fire

Dealing with vehicle collisions and repairs are typically seen as less-than-ideal for most drivers, but a vehicle catching on fire would be a nightmare for all. Although car fires may not be an issue encountered in your day-to-day life, you should stay prepared nevertheless, as car fires can be scary, overwhelming and most importantly dangerous. […]
Cracked Windshield Catastrophe

My friend went on vacation and rented a car for the week. Right after leaving the rental shop he noticed a small crack at the bottom of the windshield. The car ended up working fine but when he went to return the car, the rental company charged him for the cracked windshield which he was […]
A Lucky Lesson Learned

One day last winter when I was driving home from work, I got a call on my cellphone. Without hesitation, I went to pick up my phone as I always did, thinking nothing of it. I thought that if I quickly put the call on speaker phone I wouldn’t be distracted, but I was wrong. […]
Rainy Day Mishap

What a shocking day!! I was headed to the store to get some groceries when I spun out and totaled my car! I had forgotten my phone at home and didn’t know what to do. Thankfully some helpful bystanders saw me and decided to help out! If I had any advice to offer it would […]